
This article is part of my Master’s Thesis - Future Imaginaries. Previous Chapter: 3.3 Differentiation from similar terms

Osmo Kuusi et al. point out the great importance that metaphors have in futures studies and in dealing with futures in general, also because many of the basic terms in futures studies are metaphors themselves (example: scenario). Especially with Inayatullah and his CLA method, metaphors have taken on a central role as objects of consideration.1

Patomäki and Steger have shown (see chapters 2.2.2 and 3.2.2) that metaphors are a frequently used form of expression of imaginaries. They are used to convey aspects in the “images, stories, and legends” cited by Taylor (see chapter 2.2.2), for which there are often (as yet) no separate terms. However, it is striking that other authors have hardly dealt with the connection between imaginaries and metaphors.

The interplay between metaphors and Future Imaginaries is relatively straightforward. As described above, metaphors are elementary for both Future Images and Imaginaries. Analyzing them in the context of societal expectations of the future is likely to be the first step in identifying possible Future Imaginaries in many cases.

Next Chapter: 3.3.2 Myth

  1. Kuusi, O., Lauhakangas, O., & Ruttas-Küttim, R. (2016). From metaphoric litany text to scenarios—How to use metaphors in futures studies. Futures, 84, 124– 132. 

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